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About Us

The Kuala Lumpur Psychoanalytic Group (KLPG) consists of a group of professionals with a hub based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. KLPG centers around the possibility of exploring the dimensions of human development and human mind, mental health and mental well-being through the psychoanalytic lens. In particular, we focus on the tradition of object relations. In this respect, the group follows the developments of psychoanalysis through the works of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, and Wilfred Bion and other contemporary thinkers within this tradition. We focus on what it means to think psychoanalytically, with close attention to unconscious experience and how this relates to our experiences within groups, cultures, and, societies. Currently, there is the fostering of relationships with Kleinian psychoanalysts based in the United Kingdom and members of KLPG.

WHO CAN APPLY?             

KLPG requires all applicants to have master’s level education. Submission of a CV, a personal statement, and attend an interview that will partially be clinical in it’s focus is required for applicants. 


The group meetings, called seminars, are designed to be a gathering where participants come together to present, listen, and reflect at a group level. This allows the opportunity for participants to experience how theory and practice come together in the consulting room. 


This is also an opportunity to discover new opportunities for involvement and learning within KLPG and the larger psychoanalytic community.


It must be stressed that if one becomes a member of KLPG, one cannot use the title psychoanalyst or refer to themselves as a psychoanalyst in training. Any type of misrepresentation to the public will result in immediate termination of membership.


Affiliate membership is offered to people who wish to participate in group activities, but not necessarily attend seminars. Please contact members of the Executive Committee for more details.


There is a yearly membership fee of 400 Malaysian Ringgit. Membership to KLPG includes access to Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing or PEP WEB. Weekly seminars are paid monthly and are separate from the yearly membership fee. Affiliate members will not be eligible for PEP WEB access through KLPG. Fees are non refundable.


It is our wish to foster a regional hub without borders and to establish psychoanalytic training in Malaysia that complies with the standards that have been established by the International Psychoanalytic Association. However, this is a long term goal that will require patience and sustained focus that the founding members have acknowledged, but nonetheless embraced.

We have all made commitments to enhance personal analytic capacity, maintain academic rigor, and heighten the ability to learn through personal analysis, training, and self-reflection. These are aspects of psychoanalytic practice that are demanded of practitioners in other parts of the world where psychoanalysis has long been established. 

Kuala Lumpur Psychoanalytic Group’s Executive Committee, September 2021

About Us: Who We Are
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